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Your Jewelry, Your Moment

Find jewelry that makes you shine.

Dein Stil, deine Geschichte

Schmuck, der deine Persönlichkeit unterstreicht.

Your elegance, your choice

Choose jewelry that is as unique as you.

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Das sagen unsere Kunden

Dear Heike is simply brilliant. She is always there to give advice and implements your wishes with so much heart. The package arrives at home so lovingly packaged. This will definitely not be the last time I order from here. Thank you for your work, dear Heike

Sabine Streicher - Verifizierter Käufer - Böblingen

Dein Schmuck hat eine Seele und ein Gesicht.

Das ist Grund, warum ich hier bin und warum alle anderen deinen Schmuck lieben.


Claudia - Verifizierter Käufer - Roth

Die liebe Heike ist einfach genial. Sie steht mit Rat zur Seite und setzt die Wünsche mit so viel Herz um. Das Päckchen kommt so liebevoll verpackt zu Hause an. Ich habe hier definitiv nicht das letzte mal bestellt. Danke für eure Arbeit liebe Heike


Claudia Siebert - Verifizierter Käufer - München

Good quality (I ordered a bracelet), nice contact, nice packaging (bracelet itself and the whole package). Thank you for this. 100% recommendation!

Frank Gmeiner - Verifizierter Käufer - Berlin

Heike is so sweet and authentic! Love the jewelry, the service and the price-performance ratio is really great too!!

Marie Müssner - Verifizierter Käufer - Stuttgart

Connectivity necklaces and bracelets – symbols of depth and elegance.

Unique jewelry with diamond engraving

Make your jewelry a real statement: Our free engraving is made with a real diamond, which ensures the highest precision and an elegant shine. Whether initials, a special date or a small symbol - your personal message will be printed on your piece of jewelry with great detail and high quality.

With this unique finish, your jewelry becomes not only a stylish accessory, but also a very personal companion. Discover our new products and be inspired! Share your look with #machbarundschoen and become part of our creative community full of courage, positivity and style.

diversity and quality

Discover jewelry that underlines your attitude to life - from fine necklaces to delicate rings to simple earrings, in silver, gold or real gold. With over 20,000 orders, we stand for quality and attention to detail. Find your new favorite piece and make your look unique!

Daily Inspiration

Get new ideas for your jewelry look every day! On Instagram we share insights and added value about high-quality jewelry - even without registration. Browse through our range and discover designs that are just right for you. Your moment for elegance and individuality awaits!

Unique engravings – refined with diamond precision

Folge @machbarundschoen auf Instagram

Hi, I'm Heike and I've been running the Machbar & Schön online shop for many years. If you want to find out more about us, read our company information.

founder, mom, power woman

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Frequently Asked Questions


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Stuttgart Tipps: 24 Stunden voller Genuss, Kultur & Shopping

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